Case Studies

True tales of customer success with Sentinel

At Sentinel, we build technology solutions to solve business needs. Maximize a customer's investment in technology, while building secure paths for the future. Resolve business issues to build competitive advantages. Learn more about how Sentinel projects yield positive results!

Sentinel Engineers a Flexible Solution for a Growing Manufacturer


Many of the customer’s nine brands had their own unique data centers, networks and environments upon acquisition, which were not changed or integrated into the larger corporate structure. 


As the customer grew and acquired new brands, they struggled to manage and maintain each distinct network and environment. The lack of integration between business units made it difficult for their IT department to interpret the data generated by each and determine the best ways to implement technology to stimulate continued growth.


Sentinel, with our partners at Cisco, NetApp, Microsoft, Oracle and VMware, developed and installed a FlexPod platform within the customer’s primary data center. This multifaceted collection of industry-leading products and applications included network routers and switches for advanced connectivity, a unified contact center for intelligent call routing, adaptive security for increased firewall protection, and cloud applications for greater mobility and virtualization.


The scalability of the FlexPod architecture allowed the customer to connect the disparate networks of all their various brands together in less than 90 days. This created greater functionality and transparency across the enterprise so executives and plant managers could improve communication, collaboration and productivity. The all-in-one computing, networking, cloud and storage aspects of the FlexPod also resulted in increased stability and disaster recovery protection for the individual brands.