Case Studies

True tales of customer success with Sentinel

At Sentinel, we build technology solutions to solve business needs. Maximize a customer's investment in technology, while building secure paths for the future. Resolve business issues to build competitive advantages. Learn more about how Sentinel projects yield positive results!

Sentinel CloudSelect® Powers Infrastructure Improvement


The customer’s environment was a mixture of a number of different manufacturer’s products - HP for servers, Cisco for network and voice, and IBM for storage.


Customer had a very limited IT budget and a relatively small IT staff.  Their technology infrastructure had begun to show signs of age and was beginning to impact business operations.  Customer did not want to make large capital investments into technology due to the limited IT budgets.


Sentinel positioned CloudSelect® Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) as the right solution to address the customer’s challenge.  Sentinel provided server and storage resources from Sentinel’s cloud located in Chicago at Digital Realty.  Sentinel provisioned multiple VM’s and multiple tiers of storage to fully address customer’s needs.  The customer was on-boarded in a matter of weeks and production was up and running on the new infrastructure within 30 days.


The CloudSelect® IaaS delivered benefits that addressed a number of key needs for the customer.  The solution required a low level of capital expenditure.  The resources provided were of highest quality and improved speed and responsiveness for compute throughout the organization.  The solution was also delivered quickly and efficiently so that the customer experienced a significant increase to the turn-up of the production system versus a premise based solution.