Case Studies

True tales of customer success with Sentinel

At Sentinel, we build technology solutions to solve business needs. Maximize a customer's investment in technology, while building secure paths for the future. Resolve business issues to build competitive advantages. Learn more about how Sentinel projects yield positive results!

Midwest Health Plan Company Relies on Sentinel CloudSelect to Keep Their Systems in Good Shape


As the organization needed to expand beyond single county services, it became clear that the IT services needs had to adapt as well.  The customer had limited IT resources and required a new infrastructure in a new facility within a short time period.  Advanced communications services, database and web systems as well as collaboration and contact center services were needed to expand the business and exceed plan member expectations.  The customer also wanted advanced features - WiFiaaS, managed premise gear, a data center for their own applications and services, security including firewall management, remote access, and an improved mobility capabilities – all needed to be part of the solution.


The customer needed to move very quickly while also having little to no disruption to the current business.  This included not only web and database services but also call center services that are critical to assure members continue to receive their healthcare services in a timely and quality manner.   While this model supported the in-county services, as the plan expanded it was clear a new direction and facility would be required.  Combined with a relocation, adding new more advanced systems and adding new services, they needed a new approach.


After reviewing multiple offerings from various providers, the Customer chose the Sentinel CloudSelect® platform along with CloudSelect® managed services for all IT needs.   This high touch custom cloud experience provided them with the flexibility they needed to select their preferred cloud experience. The customer was able to choose how to consume cloud from a trusted provider – Sentinel.  The CloudSelect® offering enabled a faster deployment and increased security when measured against either a traditional premise approach or options available from other cloud providers.

Sentinel CloudSelect® provides a custom managed cloud experience for the customer. 

Cisco Powered Infrastructure as a Service

Authentication – Full active directory services and managed from the CloudSelect® IaaS infrastructure under industry leading SLAs

IaaS (infrastructure as a service) – Cisco powered high performance non-stop compute services

INTERNETaaS – Scale on demand dual provider CloudSelect® redundant Internet services with DDOS and other embedded security measures

Protected within CloudSelect® using state of the art security monitoring and SIEM (security incident and event management) technologies.

SECURITYaaS – HIPAA compliant managed full security protection including

VPNaaS – VPN services for site connection redundancy, remote access and mobility devices

FIREWALLaaS – based on the advanced features of Cisco ASA and Cisco APEX services providing perimeter in cloud security as well as advanced SSL VPN services for remote access to users and mobility devices.

Email Security – based on Cisco email security services including protection from traditional anti-virus and reputation filtering and also with Cisco’s FirePOWER advanced Malware (AMP) protection

DMZ – isolated zone for provider web services access behind advanced firewall policies and with direct access to fully secured DB server access within the private and secure CloudSelect® tenant space.

WiFiaaS – Utilizing multi-tenant enterprise class Cisco wireless services, Sentinel provided CloudSelect® managed wireless and Prime services from the cloud with scale on demand capability as access coverage expands

EaaS – Email as a service with full Microsoft Exchange in a private dedicated database for optimal security and isolation required of a health plan provider held to the highest HIPAA compliance standards. 

CloudSelect® Cisco Collaboration (C3™) IP Voice offering including:

Cisco Unified Communications Manager – advanced call control

Cisco Unity Connection – Unified messaging

CloudSelect® FAXaaS

Single number reach for advanced mobility

CloudSelect® on demand non-stop multi-site SIP calling services for inbound, outbound, and 800 calls

CloudSelect® Advanced Customer Contact Center

Cisco Contact Center services

Advanced Quality Manager and Recording

Advanced Interactive Voice Response (IVR) services and scripting

Supervisor desktop services

Agent desktop Cisco Finesse next generation call center

Burst on demand, usage based SIP trunk services to handle increases in traffic and capacity to the contact center and IVR

Next Generation Data Protection

Fully redundant next generation scale up and out CloudSelect® storage services

Application aware SnapShots offer daily or hourly recovery capability


Sentinel CloudSelect® enabled the Customer to move at cloud speed - within minutes new workloads on enterprise class CloudSelect® infrastructure were provisioned and available for the migration of applications - providing flexibility with regard to their move to the new facility.